
Monday, May 3, 2010

End Table Redo

To coin a phrase from The Shabby Nest, I have Design ADD! Go here to find out if you too suffer from this disorder. I have only recently been struck with this disorder but it has completely turned my house upside down.

Allow me to explain. We moved in to our house 2 weeks before my son was born. As you can imagine, we didn't get much decorating done before my son's arrival. The only room in the house that was complete before my son's birth was the nursery (thankfully!). By the time he got old enough that I wasn't napping at every opportunity I had and I finally started feeling like I had enough energy to begin decorating my home...I got pregnant again. Now that both children are sleeping through the night and napping at the same time in the afternoon (miraculously!), I am redecorating like crazy.

I can't stop thinking about paint colors and accessories and what I still have packed in boxes in the garage that would look perfect on top of that armoire... So the other night as I lay in bed thinking of how I was going to redecorate my ENTIRE house, I watched as the clock went from 11:00p to 12:30a to 1:30a and I finally got up at 1:40a. I figured I'd do a little picking up around the house and then crawl back in to bed to fall soundly asleep. Somehow, however, I found myself deciding that I HAD to repaint an end table that houses some of my children's books. That's right, at 1:40 in the morning this table was taunting me and I was powerless against it.

There was nothing WRONG with the way it looked, it just had no style, nothing to offer, it merely served it's purpose of holding books. But I decided it had to be painted (at 1:40 in the morning!). So I got out some paint from a previous project and got to work.

Because it was nearly 2a, I didn't even bother to take all of the books off the shelves (nor did I bother to paint the entire interior...only the part that would show). Also, since it was nearly 2a, I didn't bother to put anything under the feet so I didn't actually finish painting it that night.

Feeling good about my victory over this little cabinet, I returned to bed and eventually fell asleep. But I quickly returned to my project (during nap time) the next day to finish it and chalk up one win for my redecorating spirit. So I took my little cabinet outside, painted the feet and then used a stain (again from a previous project) to add a little dimension to the piece. I simply wiped on some stain with a rag and then wiped it off (making sure to go with the grain).

Here's how it looked after one coat of stain...

And after the second...

So it was a small victory, but I am happy with the outcome. I think it actually looks like it belongs there now, not that it was placed there merely for is functionality.

Now on to the Master Bedroom (I have FINALLY found the right shade of green for the walls after 2 failed attempts). Stay tuned for that redo coming soon!

Linked to:

Furniture Feature Fridays

Tuesday Talent Show



Sumo Sweet Stuff

The Girl Creative

Keeping It Simple


  1. the table looks great!
    it looks a nice monster with a big mouth holdink books (the knobs look like eyes!)
    great way to pass the night!! ;)

  2. love the layer of stain you added. thanks for linking up at SugarBee Take-A-Look Tuesday! - Mandy,

  3. Looks great! Don't you hate it when projects taunt you?!

  4. That looks so good! I love the two knobs that you used!

  5. Great improvement. Well done. Jane F

  6. This is a riot. I have been known to creap out of bed to work on something or try out something that was on my mind. There was no way I could sleep without it being done. The new color is definitely more interesting. Nice work!

  7. I like it! Looking forward to the Master bedroom redo! Thanks for linking up to "Anti-Procrastination Tuesdays" at New Nostalgia! Hope to see you again tomorrow!

  8. Love it!! are exactly like me....with your design ADD! I DEfinitely have that!! I just honestly can't stop repainting things, and moving things around.....
    Thanks for linking up at my Tuesday Talent SHow!

  9. Thanks, Tracey! I hate to admit it, but I ALREADY want to repaint this little cabinet! It'll have to wait until the mountain of other projects get done, though!

  10. Great job! I'm with ya, being up at 2am, head filled with DIY ideas!


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