
Tuesday, July 19, 2011

Truth Be Told Tuesday #14 – TV as Babysitter

Happy Tuesday, friends! If you’re new to This Present Life (yay!), Tuesday is a day for us to share our “truths” with one another in an effort to support each other in our imperfections. After all, no one actually lives the perfect life they portray on their blog or on Facebook all of the time.

Truth Be Told, yesterday I plopped the kids in front of the TV so I could catch up on my blog reading. And this morning I put on a show for them so I could catch a few more zzzzzz’s! I’m not proud of using the TV as a babysitter, but it’s the one guaranteed method for preventing calls for “Mooooommmmmyyyy!”.

So there you have it, my “truth” for the week. Now it’s your turn! Share your truth with us in the comments section…and trust me, you’ll find that most of us can relate to your truth, so don’t be scared ;) It’s more fun when everyone plays along!

And if you haven't already, come by and "Like" me on Facebook to read everyone's truths over there!


  1. Don't feel bad. There isn't a mom alive that hasn't had to use something or someone else to keep the kids entertained. It just used to be sending them out into the great outdoors. I am pretty sure that they will live through it. LOL

  2. a friend of mine was struggling with how to discipline her daughter. i suggested taking away tv. she said, "well that would be more of a punishment to me!" ain't that the truth.

  3. You are not alone. Are you kidding me? I used to set the channel to Kaia's favorite program so she didn't have to even wake me in the morning...she just had to press the power button!!

  4. Seriously though, who doesn't do that, my kids watch tv and I'm ok with that.


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