The Story of a Mom, a Wife a Small-Business-Owner-Hopeful (Happy Baby Designs) and a Craft Lover, trying to be present (not just exist) in my life with my children, my husband and myself. Follow along with me as I chronicle my crafting and business endeavors, my true life and some mommy moments along the way .

Tuesday, May 31, 2011

Truth Be Told Tuesday #12 – Messy Kitchen

Welcome back to another fun edition of Truth Be Told Tuesday.  If you cruise the blogosphere and Facebook, it’s easy to think that everyone but you has it all together (clean house, beautifully decorated, perfectly behaved children, supermom-of-the-year).  But the truth is, that’s not the reality.  That is the reality that we all portray, but it’s not the truth.  So I have declared that Tuesdays are the one day of the week when we can tell it like it really is.  So feel free to join in on the fun!

Truth Be Told, this is what my kitchen looks like a lot of the time…

Dirty dishes in the sink, bibs that haven’t been washed…


Recycles overflowing (hey, at least it’s not the trash!)…rain boots still at the back door from a week (or two) ago…


I’ll do really good about keeping the kitchen clean for about 3 or 4 days.  But then I’ll be tired one night and I’ll skip it…and then the whole place goes to pot!

Ok, now it’s your turn!  Tell us your truth!  C’mon, you know you want to ;)

Friday, May 27, 2011

Home Tour of Sorts

While we were visiting my family in Arizona last month, my dad and I took the kids to tour some amazing homes. Take a look at these beautiful rooms.

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Ok, so I tricked you a little bit ;) This was a museum of miniatures! These were all little dollhouse rooms. Aren’t they amazing? Nothing like the dollhouse I had when I was a little girl.

This one was my favorite. It was called “Yellow Rose of Texas” and it was staged for a wedding (did you see the wedding cake in the picture above?).





My daughter loved this “princess” shop :)


They even had a Christmas village display. This was one of the kids’ favorites.


Why is it we all love miniature things? They’re just so cute! But seriously, the craftsmanship that went into these rooms is ridiculous!

Tuesday, May 24, 2011

Checkbook Covers

This week marks the end of the school year for my son. So as any good (or overachieving, whatever) parent would, I decided to make end-of-the-year-thank-you-gifts for his teachers. It was hard to come up with a gift that I thought would be appreciated and used by 3 different women. But I was lucky enough to have bookmarked 2 Little Hooligans’ tutorial for making a ruffly checkbook cover. So that’s exactly what I made.


I love, love, love how they turned out! I had so much fun picking out fabric to go together and the ruffle really gives them the cute factor that puts them over the top!

Here’s some more pictures because they’re just too cute not to share ;)








Didn’t they come out soooo cute? I really ought to make one for myself! These were pretty easy to make (though it took me slightly longer than the 20 minutes it takes her ;). It’s a fun way to use up those fabric scraps and play with pairing up different colors/patterns. I will definitely make these again. And I really hope my son’s teachers love them, too! I figure that even if they don't carry a checkbook, these would be great for coupons, business cards, even cash.

What do you usually do as a “thank you” to your children’s teacher? Or do you do anything? What is the proper protocol?

Linking up to:

Show and Tell with Blue Cricket Design
Creative Share at Trendy Treehouse
PhotobucketThe DIY Show OffTransformation ThursdayHookingupwithHoHThe Shabby Nest Weekend Bloggy Reading UndertheTableandDreamingFunky Junk's Saturday Nite SpecialPhotobucketcraftThe Girl Creativesew many waysMaking

Truth Be Told Tuesday #11 – Dirty Knives

For those of you that are new to Truth Be Told Tuesday (TBTT), this is a day for us to tell the truth about our lives. Not the truth that we portray on our blogs or on Facebook, but the real nitty gritty. In confessing our truths, we are supporting each other in our imperfections. And besides all of that…it’s a lot of fun!

One of my biggest pet peeves in the house is using multiple knives throughout the day. If we’re not careful, we’ll each use a different knife for every meal of the day and by the end of the day, we’re out of knives. So now we try to use the same knife throughout the day.

Truth Be Told, the other day I prepared my kids’ lunch with a dirty knife. I looked over to the kitchen sink at lunch time, preparing to make some grilled cheese, and I couldn’t remember which was my knife that day. So I just grabbed the one I thought it was and dug in to the butter. But it made me laugh because I immediately thought of TTBT and knew I had to share this confession with you guys.

So now it’s your turn! Tell us your truth in the comments. And for all of you lurkers out there (you know who you are ;) join us! It doesn’t have to be a big confession, you can start out small. But it really is so much fun and the more people we have confessing our truths, the more we support each other in our imperfections.

And don’t forget to spread the word on Facebook, Twitter or your own blog!

Monday, May 23, 2011

Rainy Day Fun

Well it's pouring rain here in our neck of the woods. And I don't mean just a little shower; I mean, hailing, dark outside, water running through the streets, makes-you-want-to-go-back-to-bed rain.

Perfect for a little Play-Doh!

{Please ignore the messy kitchen...I'll have to share that confession in a future Truth Be Told Tuesday!}

What's your favorite rainy day activity? Who gets stir crazy first, you or the kids?