The Story of a Mom, a Wife a Small-Business-Owner-Hopeful (Happy Baby Designs) and a Craft Lover, trying to be present (not just exist) in my life with my children, my husband and myself. Follow along with me as I chronicle my crafting and business endeavors, my true life and some mommy moments along the way .

Monday, August 15, 2011

Sorry, We’re Closed

Hi friends, just wanted to let you know that I’ll be stepping away from the blog for a little while. 

Closed Sign


I’ll still be posting on Facebook, so if you don’t already “Like” me over there, c’mon over!

Monday, August 8, 2011

Truth Be Told Tuesday #17 - Dirty Laundry

Hello friends! Welcome to another edition of Truth Be Told Tuesdays! If you're new here, this is a day for us to share our truths in an effort to support one another in our imperfections. Thanks to all of you that participate each week. It's so much fun when you all join in on the fun!

Truth Be Told,
I don't always wash my stinky, sweaty clothes before wearing them again. Some of you may remember that I practice yoga twice a week (I've even confessed a little something about it before!). Sometimes, after class, I come home, take off my sweaty shirt, but don't put it in the dirty laundry! I figure, what's the point in washing it if I'm just going to wear it to go to yoga class again? It's not like I put it on to go to the grocery store or anything (because that would be really gross ;)

Ok friends (if you are still my friends after that confession), now it's your turn! Tell us your truth!

Tuesday, August 2, 2011

Truth Be Told Tuesday #16 - Oh, Poop!

Hello friends, welcome to another Truth be Told Tuesday where we share the truths in our lives in an effort to support one another in our imperfections. First of all, let me say I know I've been a little absent from the blog, but I've been taking advantage of the fact that my husband is home for the summer and I've been working. I know, exciting, huh? But hopefully I'll be back on track soon since school will be starting and my husband will be back to work.

And now for the real reason you stopped by...

Truth Be Told, I have the worst luck with my daughter pooping when I am completely unprepared and without a diaper. I told you about the time I had to let her go commando on our way home from the mall because she pooped and I did not have a spare diaper. Well it's happened to me 2 times since that incident! (Seriously, that was in May!)

{Cute clutch tutorial over at Diary of a Quilter}

We we were at a friend's house for a playdate and as we were getting ready to say our goodbyes, my daughter informs me, "Mommy, I have a poopie." No problem, I'll just get the spare diaper out of my purse and....oh shoot! No diaper. Oh yeah, I have a spare one in the car, let me just run out and get it...seriously? No diaper there, either? Fortunately, my friend had a size 2 diaper laying around that she let me have (my daughter wears a size 4!). But thankfully, it was enough to get us home. So you'd think I'd learn my lesson, right?


The other day, my husband and I decided to take the kids for a walk to a park in our neighborhood. I pushed my daugher in the stroller and my son rode his bike. We made it to the park, the kids are playing, all is right with the world. Then my son comes over and says, "I have to go potty." There's no porta-potties around, but that's ok, he's a boy, so my husband takes him to a tree and he does his business. Once again, all is right with the world. About 5 minutes later, my son comes over and says, "uh oh, I have to go poop." Oh great! Now what do we do? He can't exactly poop behind the tree in the middle of the park. We decide to quickly load back up and walk home. As I'm getting ready to put my daughter in her stroller, she announces, "I have a poopie." OH GREAT! We're in the middle of the park, my son has to poop, my daughter has already pooped, and I don't have a diaper or wipes! So I did what any resourceful mom would do. I laid my daughter on the picnic table, wet some kleenex (thank goodness I had those!) with water from her sippy cup, wiped her bottom, threw away the poopie diaper, put her shorts back on and we high-tailed it home!

So now I'm going to start stashing diapers and wipes everywhere! The car, my purse, the stroller...I vow to never be caught in this predicament again!...Until it happens the next time ;)

Now it's your turn! Tell us your truth :) C'mon, you know you want to. Confession is good for the soul, right? ;)

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