The Story of a Mom, a Wife a Small-Business-Owner-Hopeful (Happy Baby Designs) and a Craft Lover, trying to be present (not just exist) in my life with my children, my husband and myself. Follow along with me as I chronicle my crafting and business endeavors, my true life and some mommy moments along the way .

Sunday, April 17, 2011

On The Road Again...

Ok, so I won't be on the road, but I'm about to be in the air again (but I couldn't think of a clever song about air travel). I'm packing up the kids and heading to sunny Arizona this week to visit my family!

So, don't be sad if you don't hear from me on a regular basis. It's nothing personal, it's just that I'll be enjoying my vacation. I'm hoping to get lots of yoga in (since I'll have built in babysitters!), spend some good, quality time with the fam and catch up with some old friends.


What are your best traveling-with-children tips? I've traveled a lot with my children but I'm always on the hunt for new suggestions! I've got the DVD player charging, books packed and snacks laid out. It's not a long flight so hopefully that will be enough to keep them busy!

Be sure to come back tomorrow for Truth Be Told Tuesday...there's no way I would leave town without posting that. It's one of the things I look forward to every week!


  1. I think Arizona is a beautiful state. Enjoy your vacation.

  2. i am leaving on a jet plane......(that's a song I would use). Have fun and enjoy some family time!

  3. We always take themed stickers and a laminated piece of paper/coloring book page or what ever scene for my little man to play with. You can also get post it note letters to make messages with from the dollar store.

    Have fun!


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