The Story of a Mom, a Wife a Small-Business-Owner-Hopeful (Happy Baby Designs) and a Craft Lover, trying to be present (not just exist) in my life with my children, my husband and myself. Follow along with me as I chronicle my crafting and business endeavors, my true life and some mommy moments along the way .

Tuesday, March 29, 2011

Truth Be Told Tuesday #4

Welcome to another week of "Truth Be Told Tuesday." This is the day when we all share a "truth" about our real life...not the perfect bloggy life we often portray, but the real nitty gritty of life. This is our way each week of supporting one another in our imperfections by keepin' it real.

Truth Be Told, one day last week, I had pepperoni, potato chips and chocolate chip cookie dough for lunch.

Ok, now it's your turn! Tell us your "truth" in the comments, or blog about your truth (so we can see pics!) and leave us the link.

Please spread the word about "Truth Be Told Tuesday" because the more people we have participate, the more fun it is! So feel free to Facebook, Tweet or post on your blog about it!

Also, if you're not already a fan on Facebook, you should totally become one! People share some fun truths over there as well ;)

P.S. ***Don't forget about my FREE BATH CLOTHS offer!***


  1. ok, is it weird that i couldn't wait for this post today because i had a major flub yesterday!
    truth be told, i let emmy have chocolate pudding for a snack and then took my kids to the gym where i work. she played at the gym. we left, got to the car and i looked at her face and she STILL had chocolate all over it from the pudding she had had 2 hours earlier. how gross!!! oops!

  2. Yesterday I actually wiped crumbs off of my kitchen counter on to my floor. See, I had planned on sweeping the kitchen.....but I didn't. Now there are crumbs on the floor. Ugh.

  3. I am guilty as charge of doing what Ali said. I do this so that my dog can have an "extra" treat. It might explain her obesity. For some reason, scraping the crumbs and putting them in the trash just takes too much time.

  4. I have a chocolate stash. I have hidden it so well that I forget I have it on occasions but I came across it the other day while my little one was napping and sat in the floor and ate until my tummy hurt, but my mood was better...

  5. truth be told, yesterday my 18 month old son was throwing such a fit at the grocery store that I opened the box of caprisuns, gave him one and let him eat nearly half a container of 'not yet purchased' grapes. Never thought I would be 'that' mother! :)

  6. Truth be told, I have boxes, bags and piles of receipts and bills (not needing to be paid - hopefully) and other assorted filing sitting around my house. I'm talking enough paper to fill at least one green garbage bag. I have yet to find a place in the house to call home for the personal and home files. When that day comes I'm going to lose at least a month of my life trying to file everything.

  7. Truth be told, I have a container of frosting in my fridge that I "snack" on. Never used it for any recipes, it is just there to satisfy my sweet tooth!

  8. Oh my goodness...I have a great one for this week! You've made me laugh with these posts. TRUTH BE TOLD...I've been to the new frozen yogurt place by our house 4 times in the past week. They've only been open for 8 days, and I've already earned a free yogurt from filling up a punch card. I blame it on the pregnancy! ;)

  9. Truth be told we don't always have fun playing and crafting with the kids, some days they seriously do my head in! Just saying!

  10. lol! I stuffed candy wrappers in between the couch cushions tonight cause I did'nt want to walk to the trash can :) BTW love your blog ..just found you thru GussySews community..I am a fellow Estian and Texan. Feel free to poke around my shop


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