The Story of a Mom, a Wife a Small-Business-Owner-Hopeful (Happy Baby Designs) and a Craft Lover, trying to be present (not just exist) in my life with my children, my husband and myself. Follow along with me as I chronicle my crafting and business endeavors, my true life and some mommy moments along the way .

Tuesday, March 22, 2011

Truth Be Told Tuesdays #3 - Pee Pants

It’s Tuesday…and you know what that means! Today is the day when we all share our “truths” in an effort to support each other in our imperfections.

I am LOVING this series and I LOVE reading your comments each week. They crack me up and I can pretty much relate to almost all of them! The more people that participate, the more fun it is, so I’d love it if you could share the link on Facebook, Twitter or your own blog and encourage everyone else to join us on Tuesdays!

So as always, I’ll get it started.

Truth be told, one time my daughter peed on my lap and I wore the jeans the next day (it was mostly water anyway…at least that’s how I justified it)!

Ok, now it’s your turn. Leave us your “truth” in the comments. Or blog about it (we ♥ pictures!) and leave us the link in the comments. And don’t forget to spread the word ☺


  1. truth be told. i dropped the last brownie on the ground the other day...and still ate it....i have will help build my immune system right???

  2. I have used my daughter's shirt to wipe her snotty nose.....many times......and sometimes I've even used my own.....or a random sock that's laying around. Sometimes even getting a kleenex takes too long ;)

  3. I don't always change the sheets on my boy's bed if it was just a drop or too from an overnight accident. Truth be told by the time I get him up and dressed I have forgotten.

  4. truth be told...i have been leaving the house on many a morning, in a rush to get the kiddos to school. just a few feet away from freedom, i look down, and there lays some body fluid or other right on my shoulder. suddenly i decide to wear my hair down and get on with the day.

  5. Truth be told... my 3.5 year old daughter's hair (um, and maybe teeth) doesn't get brushed every day. Sometimes, it's just easier to throw clothes on her and get her out the door.

  6. i never leave home without a pack of gum because truth be told..while i get everybody else fed, cleaned and out the door, i numerous times neglect to brush my teeth. gross. gross. gross. wintermint rocks these days---goodbye sleep breath

  7. Agggh, I totally missed Tuesday! "Truth be told, I often think I've got early onset Alzheimer's." That was going to be a joke except I got to the word 'onset' and then couldn't remember what it's called when you can't remember things. I'm not kidding. The only thing making me feel slightly better right now is that I Googled "name of the disease where you forget" and someone else had already posted that exact question in Sigh.

  8. truth be told, some weeks i just don't have it all together, and i totally miss truth be told tuesday, and now am writing a whoops wednesday.


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