The Story of a Mom, a Wife a Small-Business-Owner-Hopeful (Happy Baby Designs) and a Craft Lover, trying to be present (not just exist) in my life with my children, my husband and myself. Follow along with me as I chronicle my crafting and business endeavors, my true life and some mommy moments along the way .

Monday, February 28, 2011

Truth Be Told Tuesdays #1

Most of us follow multiple blogs, ranging in topics from parenting, to DIY, to decorating, to cooking. And if you read lots of blogs (guilty) you are probably used to seeing how everyone else's homes are immaculate; how other mothers seem to have infinite amounts of time and you can't find the time to take a shower (guilty). As we witness these glimpses into other people's lives, it's easy to get the impression that everyone else has it all together and you are the only poor soul who hasn't figured out how to balance a marriage, children, friendships, housekeeping, working, and the occasional craft/sewing/DIY project (guilty). Oh yeah, and don't forget to throw in some "me" time every now and then!

If you haven't already watched Becca's video over at Blue Cricket Design, she talks about this very issue. She is not perfect, her home is not spotless, there are cheerios on the floor and halfway through the video her little one strips off all of her clothes. That is real life. And I think it's important for all of us to realize that while we give "glimpses" into our lives, it's the life we want to publicly portray...maybe because it's the life we want.

I wish we could all just admit we're not perfect (mothers, wives, housekeepers, gardeners, decorators, etc...) because there is comfort in knowing you are not alone. So I decided that Tuesdays here at This Present Life will from here on out be known as "Truth Be Told Tuesdays." It will be our time to confess our "flaws" to one another. And in doing so, I hope that we can support each other in those "flaws" and in doing so be realistic about those flaws. Because let's face it, unless we have a magic wand that we can wave and poof! our house is clean, or the laundry is folded, or the kids have been bathed...none of us is perfect! So let's embrace our "flaws" and realize that we are perfect in our imperfections!

I'll go first.

I don't always make my son wash his hands after he goes to the bathroom. "Ewwww, gross!" you might be saying, but sometimes it's just easier to let it go. Besides, isn't exposure to some germs good for kids???

So here's how to play along. As most of you know, Linky Tools now costs $$ and since I don't make any $$ from my blog, I'm not willing to shell it out right now. But, if Truth Be Told Tuesdays becomes hugely popular, I just might be willing to pay the $$ for the Linky. Until then, you can either tell us your "Truth" in the comments, or if you post about it on your blog (we love pictures!), leave us your link. It can be about anything, parenting, housekeeping, bathroom etiquette ;)

I'd love it if you could spread the word about this new series by blogging, Facebooking, Tweeting about it. The more participants we have, the more fun it will be. So let's start telling the truth! Let's all have fun, embrace our "flaws", and support each other in our imperfections.


  1. oh i think this sounds like fun!
    truth be told, i like to eat the kids leftover oatmeal... like from their bowl. even if its cold. it's so gross i know, but i like it.

  2. I'm starting this small, it's scarier to do than I thought! I don't always clean inside my microwave. Sometimes I'll wait until I have company to get rid of the mess of splattered pasta sauce, exploded egg or bits of chicken bacon in there. Once it's nice and clean I swear I won't let it happen again...hasn't worked yet.

  3. refreshing! well, my kiddos are mostly grown, so i don't have to worry about the hand washing issues anymore! ;) but i'm so far from perfect.. and don't mind saying so! as i type, i have about 3 loads of laundry that i SHOULD be doing.. and a downstairs full of unfinished rooms & projects! motivation, or lack therof, is the devil on my shoulder today. :P

  4. And this is why you should have 40,000 followers! I love and embrace this. I am a working momma and I find that the niche for my little world is just not happening in blogland...mainly because the time element is always so sacred. I truly have to make time to blog.

    Truth be told my master bathroom looks like a gas station bathroom..clothes everywhere, stains everywhere, hair everywhere. It might as well have a BIOHAZARD sign on the door...but it is fine by me and works for me.


  5. This is great!

    I have about 5 loads of laundry waiting to be put away any given day, they take over the bed, the chairs and anything else in our bedroom they can, sometimes it takes so darn long that I have to re wash them to get the wrinkles out

  6. Truth be car looks like a city dump! School papers, socks, shoes,magazines! Not pretty!

  7. How fun!! I love this....but how do I pick just one lol

    Okay, Truth be told I haven't changed my bedsheets in about 3 weeks. Gross, so gross I know!

  8. You guys are seriously cracking me up here because I can relate to EVERYTHING you've posted so far!

  9. Oh I don't always make my niece (who I watch during the day) wash her hands either. Or my daughter. Sometimes it's a huge hassle!
    Truth be told.... as I type the girls are playing with a cardboard box the size of my living room that I was too lazy to take outside last night. There are now bits of torn cardboard all over the living room that I will eventually have to clean up. Oh and I'm pretty sure my daughter has eaten some.

  10. Hmmm...I should just start with the fact that my kids are rolling around on the floor in just their underwear pretending to be Ariel the mermaid. But there are piles of laundry upstairs to wash and fold and I took a nap this afternoon instead. I was so tired that I was able to do it even though my kids didn't nap. At one point my daughter kept yelling at me to open some fruit snacks for her but I was trying to make her say please so I ignored her about 10 times before she got it.

  11. Yes, I am so with you on the hand washing thing and yes I think it is good to have germ exposure.

    Truth be told...I am not always on top of cleaning the cat box. Double ewww.

  12. Truth be told... I miss my mommy. She has been watching my kids for the past few years, while I've been teaching full time. I'd come home from work and my laundry would be washed and folded. The floors would be mopped, and the wood blinds had been cleaned. My kids are in school full time now, so my mom doesn't come any more. Guess what my laundry, floors, and blinds look like now!

    Love this idea for a party.


  13. I love this idea! I can relate to almost every comment, especially about the microwave! Mine is that I find bath time for my son to be a BEATING, and on more than one occasion have let it slide (sometimes for a few days!)!!! Promise though that when he starts to stink, he gets a bath!!!

  14. Truth be told... I shower only every other day. SUCH a time-saver! Doesn't work in the summer though.

  15. truth be told...and lord knows i have plenty....i never find priority in washing my face before going to bed. i start out the week doing it, but by thur and i am too bone tired to get the soap lathered up. miraculously, i am not a t-zone or zit face.

  16. truth be told, my bedroom looks like a high school boy's room.... clothes all over the place, cloths baskets stacked, hangers on the floor,and wrapper from the sock package (it is easier to open a new pack then find matching ones in the mess). The funny thing is that it is all clean... I just have problems with getting it put away!

    My real dirty little truth be told- I don't always wash new clothes before I wear them.. totally gross when you think of who has tried them on prior to my purchase!

  17. truth be told, i don't think any of these are bad or gross. what does that say about me and my hygiene???? don't answer that.


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